Saturday, November 25, 2006

Credit Card Alarm: for slow consumers everywhere

Are you an idiot? Sure, you might make excuses for your blatant lack of acumen, claiming that you're "absent minded" or "flakey," but we all know what that means. You're dumb. Stupid. Not the sharpest arrow in the quiver. But hey, don't despair; technology is here to pick up where Mother Nature so cruelly left off. Like that problem you have of always leaving your debit card in the ATM, even when you're just supposed to slide it in and out quickly. You might have gotten flustered trying to remember your four-digit PIN (here's a hint: it's your birthday), but the Credit Card Alarm is paying attention for you. Once your card is out of it for a few moments, it sounds the alarm to remind you that you really should be taking that connection to your bank account with you. Sure, the alarm is pretty simple and its $55 price tag is kind of ridiculous, but the price is less ridiculous than you leaving your credit card somewhere every couple of weeks, you big dummy. — Adam Frucci


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